Route-Server BGP Communities

TorIX offers a rich set of BGP communities for peers using our Route-Servers.  By tagging your prefixes with specific communities, you can influence how and to whom the Route-Servers advertise your prefixes to.  Once you are connected, feel free to contact the TorIX Operations team if you want to learn more about using our BGP communities.  However if you find yourself wanting to use many BGP communities per prefix, we ask that you contact us first as there may be more efficient ways to accomplish what you wish to do.

BGP CommunityAction
0:peerasn or 64600:peerasnDo NOT advertise prefix to peerasn (multiples supported)
64700:peerasnAdvertise prefix only to peerasn (multiples supported)
64800:0Advertise no-export to all peers.
64800:peerasnAdvertise peer-specific no-export (multiples supported)
64901:peerasnPrepend prefix 1x with your ASN toward peerasn
64902:peerasnPrepend prefix 2x with your ASN toward peerasn
64903:peerasnPrepend prefix 3x with your ASN toward peerasn
64904:peerasnPrepend prefix 4x with your ASN toward peerasn
64905:peerasnPrepend prefix 5x with your ASN toward peerasn
64910:peerasnAdd MED 100 to prefix advertised to peerasn
64911:peerasnAdd MED 1000 to prefix advertised to peerasn
64912:peerasnAdd MED 10000 to prefix advertised to peerasn
65535:0BGP Graceful Shutdown (RFC8326)